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- Star Market for U
- Coupon Policy
Coupon Policy
Our Coupon Policy
Star Savings
At Star Market, we know that saving money means a great deal to our customers, and many of our customers use coupons to help save even more. We encourage couponing at Star Market and have established the following coupon policy to help our customers.
Coupon Acceptance Policy
One valid manufacturer's coupon (just for U digital or paper) may be accepted per item if legally permitted.
- Coupons may not be used for non-flavored/white milk, cigarette & tobacco items.
- Other legal restrictions may apply.
Coupons displayed on a mobile device are not accepted.
just for U Digital Coupons:
- Take priority over a paper manufacturer coupon for the same item.
- just for U coupons will not double.
- Must be electronically "clipped" and added to your just for U account.
- Must be redeemed at time of purchase when your phone number is entered at the pinpad or when your phone number is entered by the cashier.
- May not be redeemed beyond expiration date.
- Each just for U coupon may only be redeemed once.
Doubling of Paper Manufacturer Coupons:
- Star Market doubles valid paper manufacturers' coupons that have a face value up to 99¢, not to exceed the value of the item. Coupons with a face value over 99¢ are redeemed at face value only.
- Coupons that state "do not double" or "free" may not be doubled.
- No more than FOUR "like" (same UPC) paper coupons will be doubled per customer, per day. Any additional coupon(s) may be accepted at face value (not doubled) based upon product availability.
"Store" coupons may not be doubled.
Other Retailer coupons are not accepted with the exception of valid Catalina manufacturer coupons for specific item(s) that Star/Shaw's carries and ‘manufacturer' must be stated on the coupon. Other Retailer Catalina store coupons are not accepted.
We do not accept manufacturer coupons with another retailer's name or retail logo printed on the coupon.
Coupon must have a valid barcode (UPC must be scanned or manually entered) and a valid date to be accepted.
One store coupon and one valid manufacturer coupon may be applied to an item.
You may use one valid manufacturer coupon per BOGO free offer.
- For Buy X Get X offers which involve multiple purchases to receive one or more FREE items, one valid manufacturer BOGO coupon may be used for each item that has a corresponding FREE item within the offer UNLESS otherwise stated on the coupon (coupon may state limits and other restrictions).
- For example: B2G1 - 1 MFG BOGO coupon may be applied; B2G2 - 2 MFG BOGO coupon may be applied, etc.
Transactions may not be separated for the purpose of circumventing coupon policies.
Star Market reserves the right to limit quantities of product sold.
Photo copied, altered and/or fraudulent coupons will not be accepted.
Manufacturer Internet Coupons (excluding just for U) follow the same stated mfg coupon policies along with the following restrictions: Must be printed from a computer printer (no copies); Mfg internet coupons for free product are not accepted. All mfg internet coupons valued at $5 or more, including BOGO internet coupons valued at $5 or more, may be accepted based upon managerial review and approval.
Star/Shaw's Internet Coupons (excluding just for U) are accepted with some restrictions. The coupons must state "Shaw's" and be printed from a computer printer (no copies). Unless otherwise stated, limit ONE coupon of each type per customer per day. A Shaw's Internet coupon will not exceed $10.
Revision Date: 01/20/2012
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