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Butter for cooking, baking & more
If there’s one food that adds flavor in just about every application, it’s butter. Whether you’re making a cake, adding a special touch to your favorite homemade cookie recipe or looking to really bring out the flavor in the next round of steaks for dinner, you can shop for butter and other dairy products at your local Star Market.
Butter is truly one of the most versatile fridge staples around. Want to add a special touch to bakery muffins and cupcakes? Melted butter to the rescue! Just warm butter up in a pan for a few minutes until fully melted and then drizzle over the top of warmed muffins or cupcakes. It’s a great treat all year long.
If you’re looking to build a great pan sauce for a quick dinner, you can’t go wrong with butter. Butter takes on flavor with ease. Steaks cooked on the stove in butter hold in their flavor and let you experiment with adding garlic and herbs like rosemary or mint.
Butter comes in two main types: unsalted and salted. When you need to control how much sodium is in a dish, it may be better to go with unsalted butter. On the other hand, there’s nothing like salted butter on a fresh piece of toast.
No matter what plans you have in the kitchen, shop online in the app or head down to your local Star Market for convenient butter options.
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